Financial Planning, designed for you.

Savings & Investments

We are a team of experienced and highly qualified professionals who want to help you get the most from your money so that you can achieve your life goals.

Savings & Investments

Helping you achieve the best returns on your investment, supported by our in-house investment team.
The value of investments and the income arising from them may go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the amounts originally invested. Fluctuation may be particularly marked in the case of higher volatility funds and the value of an investment may fall suddenly and substantially. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.


Invest and grow your wealth securely with our in-house experts.

Investing can be a good way to make your money work harder and earn a greater return, but with so many options available, it can be hard to know where or how to invest.

At Beacon, we do things a bit differently to other firms. We have in-house investment experts that will create an investment strategy for you, based on your goals and risk comfort level. We'll regularly review and actively manage your money to make sure you're invested in the right places at the right time.

This approach is known as Discretionary Fund Management. There aren't many firms outside the City of London that can offer this level of service to their clients. At Beacon, we offer investment services with our local, personable touch.

The value of investments and the income arising from them may go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the amounts originally invested. Fluctuation may be particularly marked in the case of higher volatility funds and the value of an investment may fall suddenly and substantially. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.

What investing with us looks like

Have a conversation with our team. We'll help you identify your financial circumstances, needs and objectives.

You'll answer a questionnaire to see what your risk tolerance is, the amount you want to invest and the time horizons you are working to. 

We'll recommend a suitable portfolio/asset allocation for your investments, based on your questionnaire answers and adviser discussions.

Based on your portfolio choice, your adviser will identify which tax wrapper to use, to make sure you're investing in a tax-efficient way.

Your portfolio strategy will be implemented and managed by our in-house investment team, working with your adviser.

Your investments will be managed by our investment team to make sure your portfolio adapts to changing market conditions and aligns with your risk profile.

Why invest with Beacon

Tailored Approach

We'll help you build a personalised portfolio tailored to your goals, whether you want to grow your investments, generate income, or a mix of both.

In-House Expertise

Our in-house investment team work hand-in-hand with your planner to regularly optimise where your funds are placed. Other firms may outsource this to third-parties, managing your funds less frequently, or only at an annual review.


Our investment models examine the entire market without bias or restrictions. 'Restricted' firms, however, are limited to a fraction of available investment options, that won't necessarily be in your best interest. 

Transparent & Accessible

Your adviser and investment team will keep you updated on your investment performance. You can also view past and present performance of your portfolio 24/7 using the online Personal Finance Portal.

Ethical Investing

We've been dedicated to Ethical investing long before it was the norm. Alongside our Whole of Market portfolios, our Ethical portfolios enable you to invest in a way closely aligned to your values.

Find your Comfort Level

You're in control of how you invest. We'll help you choose the right investment portfolio, based on your circumstances and level of risk you're comfortable with.

Our Portfolios - investing at your comfort level

If you decide to invest with us, we'll help you figure out the risk level that's right for you.

Our portfolios offer various levels of projected returns based on different risk levels.

Your adviser will recommend which one best matches your comfort level for risk.

Research, fund selection and asset allocation is handled in-house.  We don’t rely solely on third party ratings or research, but use them to aid our own decision-making.

We believe this leads to more holistic portfolios and a better experience for our clients and for you.

Your Choice: Whole of Market or Ethical portfolios

Each of our five model portfolios comes in two forms: Whole or Market, or Ethical. It's up to you which portfolio type meets your requirements.

We were early adopters of an ethical and sustainable investment approach over a decade ago, long before it became the norm. Given our long-track record and strong performance, most of our Assets Under Management (AUM) are now invested in Ethical portfolios.

Our Investment Portfolios

You do not wish to take stock market risk and are looking to receive a cash-like return on your investments. This is separate from the models that we offer.

You tend to prefer investments with a low risk of a decline in value and are more interested in preserving the value of your investment than receiving a return on your capital.

You tend to prefer investments with lower risks of a decline in value. However, you do recognise that in order to achieve higher returns, some risk must be incurred and therefore would be prepared to tolerate some fluctuation and volatility in your investment.

You are willing to place reasonable emphasis on growth investments and are aware that these are liable to fluctuate in value. You can tolerate some fluctuations and volatility, but you tend to stay away from the possibility of dramatic or frequent changes.

You have an above-average tolerance to risk and are willing to accept a greater chance of decline in value for potentially higher returns.

You are willing and eager to accept a greater chance of a decline in initial value in return for potentially higher returns.

Invest at your comfort level

If you decide to invest with us, we'll help you figure out the risk level that's right for you. Our portfolios offer various levels of projected returns based on different risk levels. Your adviser will recommend which one best matches your comfort level for risk.

Research, fund selection and asset allocation is handled in-house and we don’t rely on third party ratings or research. We believe this leads to more holistic portfolios and a better experience for our clients and for you.

Ethical versions of these models are available too, according to your preferences.

Review the available investment options below.

Cash Deposits or ISAs

Cash Deposits or ISAs

You do not wish to take stock market risk and are looking to receive a cash-like return on your investments. This is separate from the models that we offer. 


Model 1 - Defensive

Model 1 - Defensive

You tend to prefer investments with a low risk of a decline in value and are more interested in preserving the value of your investment than receiving a return on your capital.


Model 2 - Cautious

Model 2 - Cautious

You tend to prefer investments with lower risks of a decline in value. However, you do recognise that in order to achieve higher returns, some risk must be incurred and therefore would be prepared to tolerate some fluctuation and volatility in your investment.

Model 3 - Balanced

Model 3 - Balanced

You are willing to place reasonable emphasis on growth investments and are aware that these are liable to fluctuate in value. You can tolerate some fluctuations and volatility, but you tend to stay away from the possibility of dramatic or frequent changes.

Model 4 - Growth

Model 4 - Growth

You have an above-average tolerance to risk and are willing to accept a greater chance of decline in value for potentially higher returns.


Model 5 - Adventurous

Model 5 - Adventurous

You are willing, and usually eager, to accept a greater chance of a decline in initial value in return for potentially higher returns.



Need Advice? Let's Talk.

To find out if we're right for you and if you need a financial planner, book a meeting with us.

The first meeting is always complimentary.